Welcome to the new academic year! I wish to congratulate you for choosing UPG as the preferred choice for the next few years.
“Small is the new Big”
This is how a well-wisher summarized the growth and achievements of Usha Pravin Gandhi College of Management.
The recognition as the top 20 promising Colleges of Media & Mass communication in India in the year 2018 by the Higher education forum only added to this belief. The quest for recognition also comes with certain compliances from the affiliated University of Mumbai. Hence from the academic year 2018-19 we would be known as “Usha Pravin Gandhi College of Arts, Science and Commerce.” This renaming encompasses the vision and support of the SVKM Management to continue to provide quality education in the field of Mass media, Management and Technology.
In the position of the head of the institution, it is my endeavor to strive to create an environment of professional and fair opportunities for the students seeking an educational experience in the courses of their choice. When I started my journey with the College, I made a promise to all the stakeholders of the institution that no stone would be left unturned to ensure it reaches the highest pinnacle of success. The hard work continues and the dreams only grow bigger!
I am prompted to use a John Dewey’s quote to end what I believe in “Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself”.
Dr. A. Kapoor